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What expenses will workers’ compensation likely cover?

It’s safe to say that almost all Tennessee workers want to go to work and make it home after their shift without experiencing an accident. Unfortunately, on-the-job accidents are not uncommon, and individuals in any industry — even employees who work from home — are at risk of suffering harm in the course of their work-related duties.

If you suffer an injury at work, you may understandably feel worried. After all, your injury may require medical treatment and time away from work while you recover. Like many people facing such a scenario, concerns about your financial affairs may reach the top of your list. Fortunately, workers’ compensation may be able to help.

Financial coverage from workers’ comp

Workers’ compensation is a form of insurance coverage that law requires many employers to have. In the event that a worker suffers harm on the job, the employer can file a claim and compensate the worker for various financial difficulties, including the following:

  • Medical expenses: Needing medical attention can cause anxiety for many reasons, but you may have particular concern about the bills that come with such attention. Fortunately, workers’ comp covers immediate care and ongoing care you may need due to the injury.
  • Lost wages: Your injury may require you to take time off while you recover, and during that time, you will not receive your regular wages. However, workers’ comp can provide a portion of your typical pay while you recover.
  • Injury-related lawsuits: If you chose to file a lawsuit against your employer due to the injuries you suffered, the insurance policy would likely cover expenses for your employer relating to court costs, attorney fees, and the settlement or judgment.
  • Death benefits: In the event of a fatal work-related accident, workers’ comp could provide death benefits to the surviving members of the employee’s family.

This coverage may seem acceptable in most cases of work-related injury. However, it is important to keep in mind that workers’ compensation does not cover injuries that resulted due to intoxication on the job, horseplay, safety violations, violations of company policies and other scenarios. As a result, you would be wise to thoroughly assess the circumstances of your injury-causing accident. If you believe you should receive compensation, but your employer denies your claim, taking additional steps to pursue benefits may be the best decision.